Your life is too short to spend one more day grinding away and not having the freedom you want. 

Hi, I’m Jillian. 

I’m an entrepreneur and recovering work-a-holic who traded the hustle for working on my own terms. I swapped business plans for mindset, and financial projections for manifestation. I live for wellness, trips to Italy, gelato, and helping you get everything you’ve ever wanted.

But let me start at the beginning…

I became an entrepreneur because I wanted freedom. But five years into owning my business, I was broke and living on a credit card, and working 60 hours a week. It was anything BUT a dream. I worked long and hard, living for my next vacation. As soon as I came home from one vacation, I’d start planning my next reprieve. My daily reprieve? Gelato. 

Sure, I was getting by, but I wasn’t living my purpose. On the outside it looked like I had it all, but on the inside I felt like I was meant for so much more. That’s when I sold my business, did a complete 180 and went all in on myself

And guess what? Investing in myself was the best thing I ever did. 

I traded the exhausting grind for a total mindset reset, wellness, manifestation, vacations, and morning routines. (Don’t worry, I kept the gelato.)  I finally went from surviving to thriving! I work less, doubled my income, and now get to live out my purpose.

I’ve manifested the life of my dreams, and now I’m dedicated to helping you create YOUR ideal life and business. You weren’t born just to work; you deserve a business that thrives on your terms, allowing you to spend your days exactly how you wish—maybe that’s sipping a spritz on a beach in Italy *wink*.

What life do you want to create? Because you can and you will get everything you want, and I’m the girl to help you get there–starting now.

Spritz Sunday

Spritz Sunday is a blog on travel, mindset, and wellness to encourage you to live your best life. Sunday is a day of leisure, food, family, relaxing, and the little things, or what the Italians call la dolce far niente. Living an Italian lifestyle will help you slow down and appreciate the little things in life. For us, there’s nothing better than enjoying a spritz on a Sunday afternoon. We’re on a mission to make every day Spritz Sunday; won’t you join us?

Spritz Sunday is about having the mindset to live a well rounded and happy life and living la dolce vita lifestyle.

I want to see you enjoying a spritz anywhere on the globe! Tag me and let’s make everyday SPRITZ SUNDAY!


“All truly great thoughts are conceived while walking..” -Nietzsche

Follow me on my sips, strolls, & stories


Whether it is your daily coffee ritual or a cocktail in the evening, take time to savor your sips.
monopoli, puglia, italy


Take time for yourself daily.
jillian travel and wellness influencer on a trip to matera puglia italy


Stay social, it’s good for your health! Share your story daily with someone.

Curious how we can work together…

If you’re ready to make more money and have more time

Ready to mix your strategy with a bit of woo to create a freedom based business?

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet chocolate bar chocolate. Gummies bonbon muffin tart I love topping chocolate. Tart shortbread gingerbread chocolate bar halvah.

Muffin chocolate I love gummi bears ice cream candy. Wafer ice cream pie cake shortbread gingerbread dessert candy. Bear claw oat cake pudding candy canes cupcake candy biscuit. Pastry tootsie roll sweet topping soufflé.