The Benefits of Cruises, why I love cruises, and why you should go on a cruise!  

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Travel is my passion, and traveling on the water is my absolute favorite! This makes cruises a natural choice for me. If you haven’t been on a cruise you may not understand the appeal, so I am going to share why I love cruises and why you should go on a cruise, too! 

sunset on a cruise ship and on one of the reasons why i love cruises

So why should you go on a cruise?

Because you can pick the perfect vacation for you, have variety everyday, and always be by the sea.

Take your pick for climate! You can cruise anywhere in the world, from Alaska to the Caribbean. If you want to lie on a sundeck and sip drinks, you can do that. If you want to experience private islands, you can do that. Trip to see the ice in Alaska? Also available. Adventuring through Europe? Check! 

Cruises are for all ages! Disney cruises are great for families, Carnival for 20-somethings on a budget, and lots of cruises are suitable for seniors because of the options to do as little or as many activities as you desire. 

The benefits of cruises:

One of the best things about a cruise is that you don’t have to carry your bags all around and unpack and repack. You know those people that go on an international trip with a carefully packed carry-on? That is not me. I have been over-packing since I was about 8 years old. That’s how old I was when my dad picked up my bag with a big oof sound, handed it to the lady at the baggage counter who said it was overweight, and then looked at me and told me in his stern British accent that if I was going to pack like this, I would be carrying my own bags for the rest of my life. Fine, I thought, I’m strong. 

He wasn’t kidding. I’ve been hauling my own bags since then.

One time in Italy my suitcase broke. The handle didn’t pull up, the wheels didn’t roll.  We walked all over Rome, Florence, and Venice…miles and miles on cobblestone roads while I struggled with that bag. Once again it wasn’t light–because I don’t like to travel light. There are many people out there teaching you how to pack and travel light, but not me. I love toiletries. I like options for shoes. No matter what you tell me, I can’t make any outfit go with white and black sneakers, I need both. I have to bring my own soap in case the one provided makes me itch. And I need at least one knock-’em-dead outfit for a formal night and a photo opportunity. 

So why do I love cruises? You schlep your luggage to one place, unpack once, and then you don’t have to move it again, but instead get to explore all over at different ports of call.

cruising on the mediterranean sea and why i love cruises
cruising on the mediterranean sea and why i love cruises

When you’re on a cruise, your entire vacation revolves around the water.

Nothing keeps you more calm, mindful, meditative, and in the moment than being near the water. I love being on the water.

On a boat, you have many options for decks and views. It is a must to get a room with a patio because there is nothing like having your morning coffee out on your patio or a sunset glass of champagne on your patio.  This makes days at sea super relaxing and yet interesting, because when you wake up in a new location, it’s always a fun surprise to open the window and see a new view.

jillian, travel and wellness influencer on a private patio on a cruise ship and why i love cruises

Speaking of water, depending on the climate and season, the pool options on your ship will vary. I love cruises because there’s a selection of pools, from waterslides to private, adult-only pools. 

jillian, travel and wellness influencer at the private pool on a cruise ship why I love cruises
the private sun deck on a Norwegian cruise
jillian, travel and wellness influencer, at a private pool on a cruise ship why I love cruises
the private Haven pool on a Norwegian cruise

Cruises offer a ton of variety. You can cruise with your family or a group and still please everyone. You want to go to the casino and out to the club? They have that. More of a spa-and-in-bed-by-7pm person? You can do that too. There are nights that I wear sweats and no makeup to dinner, and then formal dinner nights when I get to dress up in the evening clothes I’ve packed in my giant suitcase. Some cruise ships will have a formal night or theme night.

I love all the options and the variety. 

jillian, travel and wellness influencer on formal night on a cruise and why i love cruises
jillian, travel and wellness influencer on formal night on a cruise and why i love cruises

Cruises provide great entertainment and it is only improving, from the quality of entertainment to the kinds of shows for different audiences. For example, on our last cruise they had a drag show and a ballroom dancing show. Both were excellent. The ballroom dancers would even dance in one of the restaurants a few times a week. Different bands and musicians perform throughout the ship at different times. This means they have not only a Beatles tribute show, but also a DJ playing hip hop–take your pick. Rather have a drink and hear yourself belt out your favorite tunes? Karaoke night is for you!

One of the benefits of cruises is that you can plan as little or as much as you would like.

If you want to stay at the pool all day, wander around the spa with no agenda, that’s an option. For your days ashore you can sign up for planned excursions and not worry about a thing, or you can venture off on your own. Click to read about my favorite excursion ever-wine tasting

The activities are endless, but they are also optional. Onboard if you’re cruising alone, you have access to tons of activities that allow you to meet people, activities such as dance lessons, trivia games, meet-and-greets. On your honeymoon? Maybe you do a couples’ massage and a wine tasting. The options are endless for all types of guests. 

Of course, food. I like to eat and there is no shortage of cuisine on a cruise. Buffets, fine dining, room service, snack bar–it all exists. On my last cruise our favorite restaurant didn’t have enough dessert variety. No problem on a cruise! Eat dinner, eat first dessert, and then head to the next restaurant for a second dessert.  There are all types of food and all styles of restaurant. The same goes with drinks. Cruise ships have everything from blended beverages to fine wine. With drink packages you can definitely get a good deal and eat and drink your money’s worth. 

steak dinner on a cruise ships and why i love cruises
dinner at the steakhouse
desserts on a cruise ships and why i love cruises
second dessert of the evening at the cafe

One of the benefits of cruises is that there are tons of options to stay healthy and mindful.

It’s easy to prioritize wellness!

elliptical machine on a cruise ship and why i love cruises

From gyms to fitness classes, cruises have it all. And while your average gym may be a boring weight room, on a cruise it’s usually a view with water. I love being on the elliptical wearing my airpods while looking out at the ocean. On one early morning workout I was lucky enough to see sea turtles. Many cruise ships also have tracks outside on the top of the ship. What better way to get your laps in than on the deck in the ocean air? This makes getting in a workout on vacation much more desirable. 

Cruises attract people from all over the world, from the guests to the workers. You get to meet people from different cultures with various experiences. If you are a people person, you’ll have so many people to talk to. And, everyone on a cruise is friendly! You’ll meet some of the hardest working, most respected workers there are (I wish they would come teach at my studio), and the people on board are in a vacation mindset. 

Now that you have read all the benefits of cruise, you should book a cruise! Drop me a comment below and tell me about your favorite cruise or where you want to go next! My top destination is always Italy! 😉

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  1. Going on a cruise in a few weeks and this blood post has got me even more excited! Cheers!

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